Cream Legbar

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The Cream Legbar is a relatively old pure breed which was developed in the 1930s with the additional benefit of autosexing (more details about autosexing below). They are a muscular bird with broad shoulders which can lay anywhere from 200-275 blue/green eggs in their first year. Cream Legbars are a very friendly chicken which enjoy foraging.

Cream Legbars in our brooder.

Autosexing is another term for sex linked and these terms define a breed which can be sexed due to the colour or features of the chicks at hatch. The vast majority of hybrid chickens e.g., Warrens, Blackrocks, White Stars, Bluebells, etc, are sex linked. Originally the Cream Legbar was breed from a Brown Leghorn and a Barred Rock with some Araucana, and what's unique about this breed is that they are breed true. This means that when you breed two Cream Legbars together the offspring will inherently be a Cream Legbar. Although this is not true for all autosexing breeds, especially hybrids.